Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer wouldn't be summer without a last-minute giveaway (for me, that is)

Oh, hey! You should know: I do love my giveaways. I always end up writing a blog post about them--but that's probably because they get me extra entries too, and you know how much of a greedy little slimeball I can be with these kinds of things.

Plus, I can't wait to share them with you anyway. Here goes!

Book Crazy's Firelight giveaway is open only to US/Canada and ends on September 12th. WOAH. That's a whole lotta time to procrastinate (but if I were you, I would definitely not procrastinate on this one).

I am telling you, this cover is made of pure win.

And wow, I thought the excerpt was pretty nice. I'd tap that. :D

Plus, there's more! The amazing Lisa Desrochers is holding a September Debut Author Contest on her blog to celebrate not only her book Personal Demon's debut, but also fellow debut author Kody Keplinger's The DUFF's introduction to society!

Heck yeah, that's a good thing!

Hey! You know, stop staring at me and just enter already.

Because you are definitely going to miss out if you forget.

It ends on September the 24th, which is a long ways away. But trust me, you don't want to miss the chance!

So don't delay, enter today! You know you want to.