Sunday, August 29, 2010

Book Blogger Hop: Aug 27-30th

Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy-for-Books and it's a fun way to connect with other book bloggers, make new friends, and just get into the whole community aspect of the blogosphere. It lasts from Friday-to-Monday because the best BOOK PARTIES are the ones that last for a whole weekend. :D

This is my first time with the Hop and I know I'm ever-so-late for this week. The thing is, I couldn't wait until next week's Hop so I'll just have to settle for two raucous days of partying. Woo hoo!

This week's question:

Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?

Well, actually I do! I use the usual 1-5 scale of rating books (though that may change in the future into rubber duckies or toilets, depending on my mood) and sometimes, I'll throw in the occasional .5 just to mix things up a little bit.

This is just because it's easier for me to gauge how much I liked something versus would I really recommend it to some random person off the street. My cut-off rating is a 3; this basically means that aforementioned random guy from the street will not be getting a glowing recommendation from me for the book. Higher than that and you have yourself a screaming fangirl.

Anyway, all this talk about rating systems has got me in the mood for writing reviews. Toodles for now, that is until next week! Thanks for stopping by!