Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yay Or, I found another giveaway!

Woopdeedoo, so I'm guessing you were either intrigued by my title, or you just really want some new books, or both. Whatever, you found your way here. Enough with the dilly-dallying; here's the latest giveaway I happened to stumble upon.

Yep, that's right. These two beauties are being given away at Jade Hears Voices until August 30th internationally. Isn't that just wonderful?

And oh my gosh, check THIS one out for size!

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. A sweet-looking hardcover of Mockingjay is being given away at P. J. Hoover's blog ROOTS IN MYTH until September 3, 2010 (which is the last Friday of summer, boo hoo!). Internationally too, I'd like to add.

So go ahead and enter both of these awesome giveaways--you know you want to!