Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And I thought NaNoWriMo was insane!

I was reading the Life section of the Epoch times a couple of days ago and this article jumped out at me.

Basically, it's about this 3 day novel writing extravaganza (!) started in Canada (but open internationally) where you're supposed to write a full novel in, that's right, three days.

I'm not too sure how long a submission should be to be considered a novel for this contest (possibly the same as NaNoWriMo?), but all the same, I think that entering that contest would just be insane.

Which is why I'm going to put this on my Bucket List. No, seriously.

The youngest entrant in this contest is a very daring 9 year old and the oldest is an amazing 83 year old. If they can do it, then I sure can!

Though I'm going to try for NaNoWriMo first. Let's see what 50,000 words in one month will do to my sanity this November! (As an experiment, of course.)

What do you think? Would you enter? Or would you run screaming in the opposite direction?


Kelly said...

3 days!?! That's intense! I have NaNoWriMo on my list to do at some point. Thanks for stopping by my blog!